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.NET architecture interview questions : - What are benefits and Limitation of using Viewstate, hidden frames and Cookies?

Following are the benefits of using Viewstate:-

  • No server resources are required because state is in a structure in the page code.

  • Simplicity.

  • States are retained automatically.

  • The values in view state are hashed, compressed, and encoded, thus representing a higher state of security than hidden fields.

  • View state is good for caching data in Web frame configurations because the data is cached on the client.

Following are limitation of using Viewstate:-

  • Page loading and posting performance decreases when large values are stored because view state is stored in the page.

  • Although view state stores data in a hashed format, it can still be tampered because it is stored in a hidden field on the page. The information in the hidden field can also be seen if the page output source is viewed directly, creating a potential security risk.

Below is sample of storing values in view state.

this.ViewState["EnterTime"] = DateTime.Now.ToString();

Benefits and limitations of using Hidden frames

Following are the benefits of using hidden frames:-

  • You can cache more than one data field.

  • The ability to cache and access data items stored in different hidden forms.

  • The ability to access JScript® variable values stored in different frames if they come from the same site.

The limitations of using hidden frames are:-

  • Hidden frames are not supported on all browsers.

  • Hidden frames data can be tampered thus creating security hole.

Benefits and limitations of using Cookies

Following are benefits of using cookies for state management:-

  • No server resources are required as they are stored in client.

  • They are light weight and simple to use

Following are limitation of using cookies:-

  • Most browsers place a 4096-byte limit on the size of a cookie, although support for 8192-byte cookies is becoming more common in the new browser and client-device versions available today.

  • Some users disable their browser or client device's ability to receive cookies, thereby limiting the use of cookies.

  • Cookies can be tampered and thus creating a security hole.

  • Cookies can expire thus leading to inconsistency.

Below is sample code of implementing cookies

Request.Cookies.Add(New HttpCookie("name", "user1"))

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Shiv Prasad Koirala

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