.NET interview experience in Capgemini Mumbai for senior software engineer position.
- By Shiv Prasad Koirala in .Net
- Feb 15th, 2014
- 39602
- 0
This is Mr. Jignesh a regular reader of this site. I would like to share my experience of .NET interview conducted for senior software engineer in Capgemini Mumbaigodrejcompund.
The interview was scheduled at 11 AM there where around 40 people had applied and 12 positions where vacant for SSE( Senior software enginner). First HR told me to fill a form where I needed to fill information like salary , my current company , location preference , contact phone number etc.
Once I filled the form I was said to sit in the hall where more 40 people were sitting for interviews. There were 6 interviewers I think they were all senior people with 8 to 10 yrs of experience.
After 2 hours I was called for interview. In the first 10 minutes the interviewer asked be questions around my project , what I do , experience and what technology I worked on.
Within 10 minutes he was asking me simple .NET questions around delegates , events , reference types , value types , CLR , CTS etc.The below video revises all the basic fundamentals in 10 minutes.
He also asked me some basic questions on ADO.NET like dataset ,datareader , where connection string is stored etc
One question which I was not able to answer was around Entity framework. I would suggest you to read Entity framework interview questions from codeproject http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/676309/ADO-NET-Entity-Framework-Interview-Questions, I think now a days people surely ask questions around entity framework as ADO.NET is becoming obselete.
He then went in to ASP.NET interview questions like page life cycle , view state , sessions , caching etc. One ASP.NET interview question where he really took me for a ride is viewstate versus session.
Below is a video by shivprasadkoirala which talks about the difference in detail.
Later he went in to WCF and Web service. Thanks to .NET interview questions videos of www.questpond.com I was able to answer most of them. The only place I got stuck was in a WCF question where he asked can we overload WCF. I was not sure of it. Below is a video which answers the same in detail.
One of the important requirements of this interview was indepth knowledge on threading. I had seen all the videos of questpond on threading so was pretty through it.
He grilled me 20 minutes on OOP in various sections like abstract classes , interfaces ,when to use what , polymorphism etc. But I was well prepared on this part.
The final minutes of my interview were completely around SQL Server. Interviewer told me to write a query to find third highest , luckily I had seen the below video , I used the same logic and I think interviewer was pretty happy.
Interviewer then told me to sit outside. After a hour I was called by HR , she congratulated me for my position. I had asked for higher salary which the company was reluctant. I think capgemini has fixed salary bracket salary as per experience. They do not too overboard to higher people even if you are good. I took the offer as I had already made my mind up to leave the current company.
It was a great evening, a multi-national offer letter on hand. My success was because of the below things:-
- My previous experience and project what I had worked.
- I prepared intensively from www.questpond.com videos , especially the mock interview by Shivprasadkoirala helped me a lot.
Hope the above Capgemini.NET interview experience will be useful for some people.
Shiv Prasad Koirala
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