.Net Interview Questions and Answers


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Explain MVC application life cycle?

In this article we will explain MVC application life cycle.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Mar 18th, 2014 |Category .Net


.NET interview questions 6th edition (Sixth edition) - By Shivprasad Koirala

In this article we will explain .NET interview questions 6th edition (Sixth edition) - By Shivprasad Koirala.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jun 21st, 2013 |Category .Net


C# Design pattern interview questions with answers: - How Singleton is different from Static class?

In this article we will explain How Singleton is different from Static class.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jul 12th, 2013 |Category C#


Exception Handling in C# using example step by step

In this article understand how to handle exceptional errors or unknown errors occurs during an execution of a program in csharp step by step with example.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Dec 8th, 2016 |Category C#


MVC vs ASP.NET ( MVC Interview question with answers )?

In this article we will explain MVC vs ASP.NET.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Sep 7th, 2013 |Category ASP.NET


What is the difference between each version of MVC 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6? (MVC Interview Questions)

In this article we have explained what is the difference between each version of MVC 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Nov 6th, 2014 |Category ASP.NET


What is the difference between Stored Procedures and Function (SQL Server interview question with answers)?

In this article we will explain what is the difference between Stored Procedures and Function.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Sep 29th, 2013 |Category SQL


.NET Architecture UML interview question

In this article we will explain .NET Architecture UML interview question. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | May 12th, 2014 |Category .Net


.NET Generics interview questions: - Explain Generics and concept of Generic Collection in .NET?

In this article we will explain Generics and concept of Generic Collection in .NET. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | May 30th, 2014 |Category .Net


5 important ASP.NET MVC routing interview questions

In this article we will try to go through some important questions around MVC routing section. For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Nov 10th, 2014 |Category ASP.NET


Serialization and Deserialization in C# step by step

In this article we will understand Serialization and Deserialization in C# step by step.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Dec 9th, 2016 |Category C#


WCF interview questions and answers: - What is the difference between Service endpoint and Client endpoint?

In this article we will explain What is the difference between Service endpoint and Client endpoint.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jun 10th, 2013 |Category .Net


.NET interview questions: - Can you elaborate project life cycle?

In this article we will explain about project life cycle. For more articles and videos visit us on http://www.questpond.com/... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jan 17th, 2012 |Category .Net


C# Entity framework interview questions with answers: - What is the difference between POCO, code first and simple EF approach?

In this article we will explain What is the difference between POCO, code first and simple EF approach.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Aug 17th, 2013 |Category C#


Knowledge Sharing Session: - On concept of OOPS (Inheritance and Use of Virtual Keyword)

In this Session we will learn the use of Inheritance and Use of Virtual Keyword.For more details visie us on www. questpond.com, http://youtu.be/MaHZiZOWTvU?hd=1... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Dec 13th, 2011 |Category .Net


WCF Interview questions and answers: -What is the difference between WCF fault exceptions and normal .NET exceptions?

In this article we will show difference between WCF fault exceptions and normal .NET exceptions. For more articles and videos visit us on http://www.questpond.com/... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Aug 28th, 2012 |Category .Net


C# WPF interview questions::- What are dependency properties ?

In this article we will explain What are dependency properties.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Jun 3rd, 2013 |Category C#


C# and .NET interview question: - Define Named and Optional Arguments?

Visual C# 2010 introduces two interesting features called as Named and Optional Arguments.... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Aug 11th, 2011 |Category C#


.NET interview experience in Capgemini Mumbai for senior software engineer position.

In this article we will explain .NET interview experience in Capgemini Mumbai for senior software engineer position.For more articles and videos visit us on www.questpond.com... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Feb 15th, 2014 |Category .Net


C# Interview questions :- What is an application domain (App domain)?

In this article we will explain about application domain (App domain).... Read More

By Shiv Prasad Koirala | Dec 2nd, 2016 |Category C#


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